Tuesday, June 17, 2014

This Is How The Other Half (Or Probably Three-Quarters) Lives?!?

I've been unemployed for almost two weeks now. For the past 12 days, I've been slowly adjusting to a lifestyle that's entirely foreign to me. One that I've dreamed about for years, but never had the courage to pursue until now. Obviously, I want/need to find a new job in the next couple of weeks, but until then, I'm giving myself permission to enjoy my time off. And when it comes to change, it's the small things I'm enjoying the most.

Lunch breaks, for starters. Technically, they're not breaks, because I'm free all day, but you know what I mean. Take today for example. I met my friend for lunch around 1:30 p.m. It was like a whole different world - people in suits, finishing up their meals and perhaps a lunchtime cocktail (What?!? You mean day-drinking is acceptable at a business lunch?!? #Winning). People who clearly took the day off to get wasted and cheer on Mexico in the World Cup (some of the CrAZieSt fans I've seen yet - which makes them some of the best fans, in my opinion.). Wait staff, taking their breaks after the lunchtime rush. An old man, sitting with his dog, just watching the world go by. I couldn't help but think to myself, "So this is what I've been missing all these years!" I feel about lunch breaks the way other people feel about exotic animals or The Great Pyramids - you've heard stories and seen pictures, but you can't fully appreciate them until you see them in person. 

Since we're talking about meals with friends (pretty much my favorite thing ever), let's move on to dinner. I'm meeting some friends for dinner at 6:00 tonight...ON A WEEKNIGHT. I was probably in college the last time that happened! For the past year, I've been working until 7:00 p.m. - not too bad, but it pretty much ensured every Happy Hour in town was over by the time I arrived. It also meant whomever I was meeting likely had to wait a good 1-2 hours after they got out of work at a normal hour to get dinner...which meant they were usually hungry/cranky. But Rejoice! my "hangry" friends - you shall no longer have to wait for my arrival! We can now eat/drink/be merry while Happy Hour specials are still in effect!

Another change I'm loving? Sleep. I mean I actually get some now! This pretty much sums up my life for the past seven years (maybe even longer) :

But for the past 12 days, I've slept 8 hours a night... and then some. I've only had to set an alarm once. At first, it felt like Saturday, every day. I would roll over, look at the clock, and say to myself, "It's only 8:30? Screw that." (Yes, I said it out loud - people who live alone talk to themselves... a lot. Oh wait... you mean that's just me?!? Oh. Well then. Moving on...) I've pretty much stopped sleeping in until 10:00 a.m., mostly because I feel like I'm wasting the day. Also because my damn cat keeps trying to wake me up just before 7:00 a.m., when my alarm used to go off. She needs to cut that crap out immediately or she's going to wish she still lived at the SPCA (not really, but I like to pretend I'm the boss once in a while).

And finally, let's talk Shower Power. The power to jam out to Top 40 pop hits (I know, I know - but I love it. #sorrynotsorry) in my shower. I have one of those waterproof speakers, but I have to turn it up to hear it over the shower/ventilation fan, so I'm always afraid I'll bother my neighbors if I do it late at night or early in the morning. But since I can now lather up a little later in the morning, I can blast all the crappy music I want! I also justify this with the fact that I'm pretty sure my next-door neighbor hosts actual raves at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays. Seriously - if you come with E, he probably wouldn't even make you pay a cover charge.

Well, it's time for me to go live like the Other Half and meet my friends for dinner at a reasonable hour. To everyone still stuck working 10-hour days with no breaks/sleep, I'm sorry to rub it in your face (okay, maybe not entirely sorry - I did just write at length, bragging about it). Perhaps I can make it up to you over lunch sometime? My schedule is WIDE open. 

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