Wednesday, December 31, 2014

20 New Year's Resolutions for 2015

It's that time of year again. New Year's Eve. The night we look back on the past year, reflect and set goals for the year ahead. This time last year, there wasn't much reflection needed. I was more than ready to leave 2013 in the past. Good riddance.

Despite a few periods of intense stress and uncertainty about my future (the inspiration for this blog), the memories I made in 2014 were, as I'd hoped, much brighter. My best friend came to visit me in California for the first time. I discovered my inner Martha Stewart. I stood among friends on a perfect day at the beach and watched as two of our friends vowed to love each other forever. I stood up for myself and my career. I left my job in Sacramento. I was unemployed. I started a new job in San Francisco. I adopted a second cat and became "that crazy cat lady." I discovered a love for photography. I flew home to surprise my Grandpa for his 80th birthday. I went to baseball games. I drank great beer. I tried new foods. I laughed with friends so hard it hurt. And I got to hug my parents (when you live 3,000+ miles apart and only make it home once a year, this is a big deal). And those are just a few of the highlights.

Looking back, this past year was just what I needed. Sure, there were bumps in the metaphorical road, but overall, it was a pretty enjoyable drive.

Looking ahead to 2015, I'm excited. But instead of making a handful of resolutions I'll inevitably break in the weeks ahead, I'm taking another approach. I'm going to make a whole bunch of resolutions, significantly upping my chances of sticking to at least one or two of them.

Start a new career. I've got a good feeling about 2015. By now, you know I'm trying to get out of TV news to begin a new journey. This will be the year it happens, I know it.

Get healthy. Ok, I make this one every year. And every year I find excuses not to. But with my 30th birthday and three weddings to take pictures at, in addition to an increasing feeling of self-disgust every time I look in the mirror, it's time to cut the crap and do it already.

Not eat an entire brick of cheese in one sitting. In keeping with the previously-mentioned attempt at a healthier lifestyle, I will refrain from gorging myself every time Nugget stocks up on super-sharp Vermont cheddar from Cabot. At least I'll try. Not making any promises on this one.

Drink less. Or at least swap some of those beers for red wine. It's supposed to be good for you, right?

Swear less during football games. But only if there are kids around. Otherwise, I'll continue my classy tradition of making even the most hardened sailors blush.

Only hit Snooze Once. I typically hit the Snooze button a minimum of three times in the morning. And for some crazy reason, I'm always running late. Hmmm...

Wear my hair down at least three days a week. My hair is my favorite feature about myself, yet most days, I just throw it up in a ponytail. Because I'm running late. So this goes hand-in-hand with the Snooze thing.

FaceTime with the family more often. Because watching my mom roll her eyes at something ridiculous I say is so much more effective than hearing her do it.

Continue trying new foods. Because I have the palate of a 9-year-old. Which is actually an improvement over the 5-year-old me that moved to California a few years ago. But it's still not acceptable for a 29-year-old-in-real-life.

Stop apologizing for being a "cat person." Because in all honesty, who really cares?!??

Make my cats Instagram-Famous. Because if Grumpy Cat can make its owner $100M, you damn well better believe my girls can at least pay off my student loans.

Open Sacramento's first Cat Cafe. A girl can dream, right?

Take more pictures. I need to invest in a good camera first, but last year, I found I have a decent eye for photography (at least I think so). Plus, it's a great excuse to explore!

Be more cordial to strangers. I'm not rude, but I've always been a keep-my-head-down-and-offer-a-quick-hello-so-they-don't-talk-to-me type of person. But that doesn't reflect my personality, which is more outgoing. While making more eye contact and smiling more may put me at greater risk of being mugged by a homeless meth addict in the West Sac Safeway parking lot, I'm willing to risk it.

Drink less coffee. As long as I'm still in TV, working weird, inconsistent hours, I have no intention of keeping this one. But once I join the Land of The Normal People, I really need to cut back to 2-3 cups a day.

Fall in love. Because I'm secretly a hopeless romantic. And because I just watched "When Harry Met Sally" and Sally just told Harry she hates him, but she really loves him and it always makes me feel more emotions than I know how to handle.

Start swimming again. It's the only form of exercise I've ever truly enjoyed. So rather than forcing myself to join a gym full of black-crew-socks-wearing-hipsters and grunting gym-rats, why not get in shape doing something that I love?

Try yoga. Over the past year, I've learned a lot about finding healthy ways to manage stress. I feel like yoga could definitely be an enjoyable way to do that. Also, I'm about as flexible as a pregnant cow, so it certainly couldn't hurt.

Stop avoiding judgement from grocery store cashiers by buying frozen veggies. Because A) fresh veggies are waaay better. And because B) no amount of Kraft Mac & Cheese is even remotely as embarrassing as the condoms, hemorrhoid cream and adult diapers the man in front of me at Target bought yesterday. Oh, how I wish I was kidding.

Try 10 new beers. I needed at least one resolution that I know I'll keep.

So there you have it. My New Year's Resolutions for 2015. We'll see just how many stick. Your list probably isn't as extensive as mine, but I wish you luck with it. Unless you're planning to give up cheese or red meat. Because that's just crazy talk. Weirdos.

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